Danzhou People’s Hospital儋州市人民医院

已认证 4个

/ Info

海南省儋州市人民医院前身是广东省海南垦殖局儋县垦殖所医疗所,创建于1954年。医院位于儋州市中心,是海南西部第一家也是唯一一家三级甲等综合公立医院,是海南西部的医疗中心。医院的发展受到儋州市委、市政府的大力支持,市政府拨付资金为医院建设综合住院大楼,规划建设15层楼,可容纳1200张床位,主体工程于2019年7月建成,预计2020年6月正式启用。 医院学科设置完备,设有临床科室24个,医技科室11个,有20个省级临床重点专科,现有职工1350余人。医院以建设成为海南西部疑难重症诊疗中心为发展目标,着力建设胸痛中心、卒中中心、创伤中心、危重孕产妇救治中心、危重儿童和新生儿救治中心等九大医疗中心。 人才是医院发展的第一资源,医院历来重视人才,树立起“以博士为支撑、以硕士为重点、以本科为基础”的用人方针,医院先后从上海、广东、黑龙江、河北、山西等地引进人才,现有博士、硕士40余名,高级职称120余名。根据《儋州市引进高层次人才管理办法》(试行),全日制硕士研究生属于第六类高层次人才,可享受住房补贴、安家补贴和岗位津贴,在安家落户、配偶就业、子女上学等方面均享有优待政策。 Danzhou People’s Hospital, also called Danzhou Nong-ken Hospial, which locates in Danzhou city, Hainan province and is established in 1954, is a public general tertiary hospital, integrating with medical care, emergency, teaching, scientific research, disease prevention and health care.The initial name of Danzhou People’s Hospital is Medical Treatment Point of Dan County Reclamation Station. The new inpatient building under construction will be put into use in June, 2020. The opening beds of the hospital is 900 at present, and the beds will be 1200 when the inpatient building is finished. The hospital has 1300 staff and 46 departments which contains complete clinical and medical science departments. 20 clinical departments are awarded with provincial key clinical specialty. The hospital aims at establishing  a diagnosis and treatment center of complicated severe diseases in the western area of Hainan Province, including nine medical centers, such as a chest pain center, a stroke center,a critical maternal treatment center, a critical children and newborns treatment center etc.  Talents are the major promise for competitions and sustainable development of hospitals. Our hospital attaches great importance in talents. Our hospital introduces talents from Shanghai, Guangdong, Heibei and Shanxi. There are 130 people with senior technique title and 35 people with postgraduates degree and doctor degree at present. According to The Talents Management Regulation in Danzhou City, full-time postgraduates belong to No. 6 talents who can enjoy the housing, living and position subsidies and have preferential policy in settling down, spouse employment and children education.

/ Company

Danzhou People’s Hospital儋州市人民医院

类型 县属的医疗卫生单位

行业 医院

规模 20-99人

地址 海南省儋州市那大镇大通路21-1号